Christmas Corporate Campaign

We created a radio spot to promote the concept «ΣτοΛύσαμε» meaning both that we decorated for Christmas as well as that we have solved any decorating issues you might be facing with MAX Christmas decorations that meet all needs and budget.
We came up with a second radio spot to promote the concept «ΣτοΛύσαμε» meaning both that we decorated for Christmas as well as that we have solved any issues you might be facing to decide on what to get our friends and family for Christmas with the great selection of books and toys from MAX Stores.
To further promote the concept «ΣτοΛύσαμε» meaning both that we decorated for Christmas as well as that we have solved any decorating issues you might be facing, we chose décor expert Sissy Feida to promote MAX Stores Christmas decorations and home deco. Sissy Feida visited MAX Stores in Chalandri, picked her favorite Christmas decorations and home deco and decorated her very own home. We created a video of her decorating her Christmas tree and then shared photographs, posts and stories through her personal account on Instagram.

To further promote the concept «ΣτοΛύσαμε» meaning both that we decorated for Christmas as well as that we have solved any decorating issues you might be facing, we chose famous TV Show host Fay Skorda to promote two of the most popular toy brands for the Xmas Season available at MAX Stores, “BARBIE” & “HOTWHEELS”. She did so through a video, photographs, posts, and stories that she has shared on her personal account on Instagram.

When you can find everything you need in one store…you actually find everything ‘from A to Z’. And when it’s school season ‘A to Z’ is a beautiful alphabet gimmick to do the trick. For this Back to School campaign, we activated some effective influencer marketing. Some of the favourite mums on SoMe, gave tips and ideas for the new school year. With children of various ages, from kindergarten to high school, they were fully apt to explain on camera the mandatories for every age. Along with the products they would give useful advice and tips to fellow mums on how to keep their child happy both at school and at home afterwards.

Inspired by one of the most favorite kids’ games of all times, from A to Z, we chose to promote MAX Stores Back to School campaign by having 3 mom-influencers, Elena Pakou, Myrto Kazi and Evi Stathatou create a video through which they could give tips to moms and children for all kinds of school products they can find at MAX Stores while playing the game. The videos were uploaded on Max Store’s and the Influencers YouTube & Social Media Channels.
During the period of Apokries (the Greek carnival) we created a campaign so as to promote MAX Stores carnival costumes and accessories. The campaign was signed with the tagline «Δεν θα σε αναγνωρίσει ούτε η μάνα σου» meaning that “not even your mother would recognize you” so as to highlight just how original the costumes really were. The campaign was supported by several posts featuring the actual costumes.